Monday, August 26, 2013

VBS Ukrainian style...

You never know what you will get here. We invited so many children from the area of all ages. So, I wasn't really sure who all would come...little Just whatever God sends my way. We started off with Rosa, 6 years old, one of the members kids. She is an angel, so sweet and such a helper at passing out invitations to the classes. There were not very many kids in the yard behind the building, sometimes several, sometimes none. This So none of them came. We were there about 15 minutes when Daniel showed up. He is 11 and speaks a little English, very well I might add. He was delightful to work with. A shy smile behind big blue eyes. Such a sweet boy. This morning started off with me not having an interpreter to go with me to the church building. That was okay. I know to look for van 53. Jane actually got me started. She said she would tell the driver about my problem...we have to change vans about half way thru the route. So I had to practice my stops name. Na vah-coo-chew-link. Over and over and over. I didn't want to mess it up and him not stop. As it happened, I thought I got blessed because some people were getting on right near there. Then he started to drive off. I quickly threw my "Russian" at him and he pulled over and let me off. Now...I'm not sure if he understood my Russian, or the fact that I was standing at the door looking like I might leap out on my own if he didn't stop, got him to pull over and let me out. didn't matter to me...he let me off at the correct stop! We started our lesson and began teaching about Noah at a little after 10 a.m.. After we looked at the lesson a little bit, we decided to walk off the length of the ark. We went outside and started at the shops up the street from the building. I think the kids were really surprised at how big that boat was! Afterwards we cut out the ark that Fairy Cooper put together in my packet. The kids eyes got real big looking at all the colors and the animals. They really enjoyed it. In fact, all of the adult helpers wanted to do one themselves. I really wished more kids could have come today, I think they would have loved the things we got to do. After all the games, projects, and memory verse, Rita bought us some ice cream and we had our snack. A fun time had by all. Tomorrow, some more of the kids who regularly come should be back from the national holiday weekend. After a lunch at City Center, we went to a sports place and bought the Far Off orphanage some shoes and swim suits. They will probably keep the suits till next season, but maybe the last group of boys going to the sea will get to wear them. I hope so. We took a taxi home with all of our bags, and I was able to rest a little while on the couch watching "Ever After", starring Drew Barrymoore. Of course, I'm glad you asked, it was in Russian. The good thing was the English was just dubbed over so you could still hear it most of the time. Love that movie! Now I am at Constantine's Kot Cafe using his wifi. I even offered to buy a lemonade...he just waved his hand at me like "really?". I do appreciate the feel of this place. Much like a very comfy couch to sit on and put your feet up. It feels like home here. I am thankful to God that he is such a nice guy. Tomorrow I should have wifi in my flat! I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but it would be very nice! I will still come and drink lemonade at the Kot Cafe...just not use their wifi. till then...

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