Friday, August 28, 2009

Medicine Ukrainian style...

Well...I have not been feeling well and Jayne, my hostess, has brought in one of her doctor friends. I am not sure about her techniques...but I don't think that it will hurt me...

She has some little electrodes that are put on the sick area (for instance your throat) she lets them give "information" to the machine...then the machine (with the electrodes hanging over the water) put that information in the water in a jar...

I took some antibiotics...and her treatment...we shall see.

We went to the cemetary where Diana Knight is buried. It was an eye opener about the difference in our cultures. They have benches and tables there so you can eat and visit you relatives on holidays. The time is also spent taking care of the ground around your loved one because there are no grounds keepers, etc. Restland it is NOT! We stood around and sang some songs and remembered her life, then we went back home. I have some pictures that I will share later.

Went home and crashed! I am very tired so rested the afternoon. In fact that is when the doctor showed up to treat me. We will have Ladies Class tonight so I want to be extra ready...

The ladies class went well we had about 15 in attendance and everyone was glad to see each other. We had class, then ate some sweets that Old Helen fixed for us...they were scrumptious! Then had some juice and water to drink. It was a pretty good class.

Home and then back to bed. Next day will be busy!

love you much,

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